Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Confessions of a Serial Painter

I've been doing a lot of painting lately so I thought I’d pass along some tips I've learned in the process of painting.  Lots and lots of painting.

My current color combo love is grays with bright white trim.  It was previously grayish green with bright white trim.  I've never really been all that into bright colors - I did have a red wall once, but it got old pretty fast.

See - very pretty but no, not my house
How to choose colors: go to a paint store, or Lowes or Home Depot, pick up a massive amount of samples, look online at what's popular, mix it all together with what you like, the style of home you live in, your furniture, put together a palette and wah lah! You've picked your paint colors!

Let me just say, every time someone asks me what I’m doing and I say “painting!” I get the same thing, “UGH, I HATE painting!!”  No one ever likes painting.  Why is that? I like painting.  So then I have to ask myself, do people truly HATE painting or are they not using the right tools which makes painting a much bigger chore than it should be?  Because really, painting is one of the fastest, easiest, least costly ways to update a room or to give it a whole new feel or even just make it look new again.