Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fuck Cancer!

Cancer - she's a bitch, I dislike her greatly to the point of hatred and I really don't "hate" a lot of things.  Sometimes she comes, sometimes she goes and sometimes she stays and wears out her welcome, eats all your food, fucks up your house and irreparably trashes your life.

Too many people I have known and loved have been effected by cancer, some have only been visited, others have taken it on as a short term lifelong companion.

All I can do is hope that peace will come to those left behind knowing that their loved ones are in a better place.

My friend Judy lost her mother yesterday to the bitch named cancer.  By the time it was discovered, there was nothing that could be done.  She was able to spend the last few months with her mom, having moved in with her.

Lena was one of those women you meet and never forget.  One of the sweetest most caring individuals I've had the opportunity to know.  And, she gave great hugs, the kind you imagine a mom would give.  The kind that make you feel loved and protected and cared about.  Judy is a very lucky women to have had her as a mom.

I don't believe that those that leave us suffer any longer, its those that are left behind.  It's just so hard to say good by rather than, "until next time".  Its easy to leave a friends or loved ones house when you know you'll see them again.  If you knew it would be the last time, you'd linger in the doorway for as long as possible getting those last hugs and last thoughts out.

I hope my friend Judy and her family can find peace and heal.  I could not be more sorry for her loss as I know what a unique woman her mom was.

Peace and healing. In time.

Rest peacefully Lena.


  1. So sorry for you and your friends loss Angie. Its obvious Lena made an impact on the world. Big hugs girl! :)

  2. Wow Angie, sorry to hear about that. My thoughts to you and your friend.
