Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hellow World

I'm alive, I am well, I am busy!

I have stuff to share and pics of stuff to share stuck on my new camera that is proving more difficult than I thought to master.

I wrote up a little thing on Time Management and then said screw it, I have no idea what I'm talking about - as if I'm one to offer advice....the only thing I know about time management is that I seem to be good at juggling multiple tasks oh, and I don't sleep as much as people should.  Oh, and I don't take much time to just do nothing, in fact, I'm not even sure what that term means.

Just for shits and giggles, this is me playing with a new app my b/f's daughter downloaded - kind of does all sorts of fun stuff...  But that is one of my upcoming goals - to master my new camera AND to learn Photoshop - both are classes I'm taking to finish up the 9 credits I need to complete my BA.  Hey, if I gotta have 9 credits, they might as well be fun ones, right?

Update: went ahead and posted what I had on Time Management after a quick edit - so, forgive any typos or worse than usual writing skillz

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